Adult Education Degrees


Consider an online teaching program currently accepting applicants for 2024.

School Level Program Admissions

Arizona State University

Master Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

View online teaching programs currently accepting applicants for 2024.

Adult education teachers work in community colleges, technical schools and other community facilities helping those that are over 18 years old to improve or gain skills in reading, writing or earning a GED. Adult education teachers also work in prisons, helping inmates develop better skills and prepare for meaningful employment once they are released.

Today more than ever, getting an education is a smart choice and even a necessity to be successful as possible at your career. Adult education has become popular to people of all ages and walks of life. Teaching adult education can be a meaningful and fulfilling career. Typically, adult education teachers work with out-of-school youth and adults in need of remedial education. They also teach English as a second language.


Consider an online teaching program currently accepting applicants for 2024.

School Level Program Admissions

The University of Texas Permian Basin

Master MA in Special Education
CAEP-accredited, Complete in as little as 12 months, six start dates a year, cost-effective tuition.

Purdue University

Master Online MS in Education
Specialized degrees in Special Education, Curriculum Instruction, Learning Design and Technology.

University of West Florida

Master Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction
CAEP Accredited, 3 specializations.

Arizona State University

Bachelor Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

View more 100% online teaching programs currently accepting applicants.

Bachelors Degrees in Adult Education

Adult education teachers are generally required to have at least a Bachelor's degree in Education in most states. However, some states or specific employers may require their adult education teachers have master degrees. In addition to earning a degree, adult education teachers may also be required to obtain certification depending on the state in which they reside. States vary in their licensing requirements.

Adult education teachers in Ohio, for instance, are not required to have a bachelor's degree or even a license. All they need is a one-year teaching permit. In other states, adult education teachers must meet the same licensing and certification requirements as regular teachers. Individuals interested in teaching adult education classes or programs have many options from which to choose, including bachelor and master degree programs

Adult education teaching programs don't usually have the same type of majors offered like math, science, history, etc. because they generally teach any subject matter. The bachelor degree programs do include general education courses. Students interested in researching adult education programs can find a list of the many schools throughout the nation on the National Center for Education Statistics website.

Saint Joseph's College offers a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in adult education and training. Offered online, this 128-credit baccalaureate program includes courses in human behavior and development; adult learning; advanced training perspectives; and educational psychology. Students must complete at least twenty-five percent of their credits through SJC to satisfy its residency requirements.

Masters Degrees in Adult Education

SJC has a fast-track master degree version of this program. Saint Joseph's College also offers an associate degree version of this program. What is offered is an Associate in Science in Interdisciplinary Studies with a minor in adult education and training. This 2-year program includes major-related courses and general education courses.

Top Adult Education Master’s Programs

University of California – San Diego

UC San Diego offers a Teaching Adult Learners Certificate program for individuals that wish to teach continuing education and adult learning courses or programs. This program is offered online and includes courses in foundations of adult education, introduction to online learning, instructional practices, and preparing for a community college career. Students also complete a portfolio of a program as part of the capstone course.

Colorado State University Masters in Education and Human Resource Studies with Adult Education Specialization

Colorado State University offers a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Education and Human Resource Studies with a specialization in adult education and training. This program, which can be completed in two years, has courses in adult teaching and learning, adult education, instructional design, program development, and assessment & evaluation in adult learning. Students also attend seminars and workshops. This program is offered both online and on campus.

Cleveland State University Masters in Adult Learning and Development

Cleveland State University offers a master degree program in adult learning and development that prepares students to plan, design and teach a variety of programs and adult education subjects. Course topics include instructional principles for adult learners, career development, appraisal counseling, adult literacy, and higher education. Although this program requires a 150-hour internship, it is also offered online. Students in the online program are required to find an approved site to perform their internships.

Advantages of Master’s Degree in Adult Education

The difference between the bachelor degree and the master degree other than time is that master degree holders are going to have more career opportunities open to them and may have an easier time expending of other areas of teaching than someone having just a bachelor’s degree. Master degree holders also have a large role in planning and developing curriculum and lesson plans. View all Master’s in Education Programs.

Adult Education Teacher Working Environment

Adult education teachers develop lesson plans, discuss curriculum with students, explain and communicate with student, document grades, attend training and informational meetings, and keep up with any continuing education courses required to be current with technology. They work in several capacities, including adult basic education instructor, adult educator instructor or GED preparation teacher.