Teaching Education Degrees in Arizona

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School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.
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Like all the other states, Arizona requires their teachers have at least a bachelor's degree in education and obtain certification. Arizona has several levels of certification, according to the Arizona Department of Education.

Candidates wanting to teach in Arizona must meet requirements based on the subjects and grade level to be taught. The certification process is governed by the Arizona Department of Education Certification Unit.

  • 28 teaching programs in Arizona accredited by CAEP
  • 9 CAEP-accredited Bachelor's degrees
  • 14 CAEP-accredited Master's degrees in Arizona

Applicants must have earned a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college. Usually, they are required to complete a preparation program for teachers. The Arizona Department of Education also requires specific coursework pertaining to a teaching area of concentration.

Requirements to Teach in Arizona

The Arizona system has two tiers. Educators apply for an Initial 3-Year Provisional Certificate for the area of concentration they wish to teach. After gaining teaching experience, they advance to the 6-Year Standard Certificate. Certification requirements in Arizona are highly specific grade level-based.

There are options for earning alternative Arizona teaching certificates for those who have a Bachelor’s degree but have not completed formal teacher preparation. Alternative preparation certificates can be completed as quickly as one year. To qualify for certification, candidates can also earn a Master’s degree, either in education or a teachable subject having an approved certification program.

Scholarships/Financial Aid Available

Arizona Teacher Student Loan Program

Arizona has a need-based, forgivable student loan program that is designed to encourage Arizona resident college students to enter the teaching profession to teach in an Arizona public school by providing financial support. The cap for the forgivable loan is $7000 for each academic year, up to three years. It excludes other tuition benefits such as military or tribal, scholarships, and grants. Funds are applied to mandatory fees, instructional materials, and tuition.

Students are required to teach in an Arizona public school for a period of time equal to the years a student received a loan plus one year. A promissory note is signed as a condition of the loan that promises repayment plus interest if the obligation to teach is not met.

Arizona Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership

AzLEAP establishes an institutional and state partnership that provides financial assistance to undergraduate students of low-income, in the form of need-based grants.

Requirements to Qualify for In-State Tuition

Tuition for publicly supported universities in Arizona is lower for in-state residents that those of out-of-state. Classification is determined by the guidelines the Arizona Board of Regents provides. Except as otherwise provided, no one living elsewhere than Arizona is eligible for in-state tuition. The person must live in Arizona for one year unless meeting one of the following exceptions.

  • Parent lives in Arizona and can claim the student as an exemption for federal and state tax purposes
  • An employee, or spouse of an employee, who was transferred to Arizona by an employer
  • An employee of an Arizona school district and under a full-time contract to teach or a full-time noncertified classroom aide in a school in an Arizona school district
  • Spouse has established residency for a minimum of one year
  • Armed forces members stationed in Arizona
  • Honorably discharged armed forces member that intends to be an Arizona resident
School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

University of West Florida

Online Master of Education Programs
CAEP Accredited. Programs in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education. Gives classroom teachers a specialized education for their student age group and career goals.

American University

Online Master of Education in Education Policy and Leadership
CAEP Accredited. Learn how to evaluate, create, and implement effective policy that facilitates exceptional learning experiences for all students.

University of West Alabama

Online Bachelor's, Masters, Doctorate, Education Specialist and Alternative Class A Programs
Choose from more than 40 certification and non-certification education programs that can enhance your career as an educator inside or outside the classroom.

Maryville University

Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership
Earn your Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education Leadership online from Maryville University in as few as 32 months. Prepare to impact higher education on a sweeping scale.

The University of Texas Permian Basin

MA in Special Education
CAEP-accredited, Complete in as little as 12 months, six start dates a year, cost-effective tuition.

Purdue University

Online MS in Education
Specialized degrees in Special Education, Curriculum Instruction, Learning Design and Technology.
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Click to view more online teaching programs currently accepting applicants.

Although there are various areas of specialization Arizona teachers may choose in their education program, they must take a Structured English Immersion, Bilingual Education or English as a Second Language specialization (endorsement). Below are some of the teaching schools in Arizona as well as various programs they offer aspiring teachers.

Online Teaching Programs in Arizona

ASU has a variety of online educational options including six master degrees, four graduate certificates, and both a bachelor's and doctoral degree program. The graduate certificates and master degree programs may be taken concurrently. Students interested in online education can choose from the many bachelor degree programs and the Master in Education program offered at GCU.

Teachers wishing to advance their education can choose from several online doctoral degree programs offered at University of Phoenix. Northern Arizona University has a wider range of online education programs from bachelor degrees through doctoral degrees, making it easy for teachers to earn a degree while continuing to work. View all online teaching degrees for more information.

School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

University of West Florida

Online Master of Education Programs
CAEP Accredited. Programs in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education. Gives classroom teachers a specialized education for their student age group and career goals.

American University

Online Master of Education in Education Policy and Leadership
CAEP Accredited. Learn how to evaluate, create, and implement effective policy that facilitates exceptional learning experiences for all students.

University of West Alabama

Online Bachelor's, Masters, Doctorate, Education Specialist and Alternative Class A Programs
Choose from more than 40 certification and non-certification education programs that can enhance your career as an educator inside or outside the classroom.

Maryville University

Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership
Earn your Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education Leadership online from Maryville University in as few as 32 months. Prepare to impact higher education on a sweeping scale.

The University of Texas Permian Basin

MA in Special Education
CAEP-accredited, Complete in as little as 12 months, six start dates a year, cost-effective tuition.

Purdue University

Online MS in Education
Specialized degrees in Special Education, Curriculum Instruction, Learning Design and Technology.
i sponsored
CAEP Accredited Teaching Programs

List of the Best CAEP Accredited Teaching Degrees in Arizona

Grand Canyon University
  • Masters in Master of Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (Not Eligible for Institutional Recommendation) TESOL
Northern Arizona University
  • Doctorate in Combined Counseling/School Psychology (PHD) NASP
  • Bachelors in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Masters in Early Childhood Education MEd NAEYC
  • Masters in Educational Leadership - Principal K-12 (MED) ELCC
  • Post Bachelors in Educational Technology - Technology Facilitator ISTE
  • Masters in Educational Technology- Technology Leader ISTE
  • Masters in Elementary Education - Certification (MED) ACEI
  • Bachelors in Elementary Education (BSED) ACEI
  • Masters in Elementary Education (MED) Reading K-8 Emphasis ILA
  • Masters in English - Secondary Education (MA) NCTE
  • Masters in ESL & Bilingual Education - ESL (MEd) TESOL
  • Bachelors in Health Sciences - Physical Education (BSED) NASPE
  • Endorsement only in Principal (GCERT) ELCC
  • Masters in School Psychology (EDS) NASP
  • Bachelors in Science Education NSTA
  • Post Bachelors in Science post-bacc NSTA
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - English (BSED) NCTE
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - History and Social Studies (BSED) NCSS
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - Mathematics (BSED) NCTM
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - Spanish (BSED) ACTFL
  • Masters in Spanish Education (MAT) ACTFL
  • Bachelors in Special and Elementary Education (BSED) CEC
  • Masters in Special Education - Early Childhood Special Education with Certification (MED) CEC
  • Masters in Special Education - Mild/Moderate Disabilities Certified (MED) CEC
  • Post Masters in Superintendent (GCERT) ELCC
  • Masters in Teaching Science with Certification (MAT-S) NSTA
University of Phoenix
  • Masters in Master of Arts in Education, Special Education CEC

Bachelor’s Teaching Programs in Arizona

Arizona State University (ASU) offers several options in its Bachelor of Arts in Education program. Students can choose from early childhood and early childhood special education, special education and elementary education, education exploratory, elementary education, physical education, educational studies and secondary educations. These programs, which include internships and practical experiences, are offers at several of ASU’s campus locations.

The College of Education at Grand Canyon University (GCU) has a bachelor’s degree program that offers specializations in elementary education, early childhood education, secondary education and special education as well as Bachelor of Arts programs with concentrations in music, history, English and dance education. The University of Phoenix has bachelor degree programs in early childhood education, elementary teacher education and liberal studies.

Northern Arizona University (NAU) has a vast education college that includes four academic departments: educational leadership, educational psychology, educational specialties, and teaching and learning. The teaching and learning department offer bachelor degree programs in both early childhood education and elementary education while the educational specialties department has bachelor degree programs in career and technical education, English as a second language, bilingual endorsement, special and elementary education.

Master’s Teaching Programs in Arizona

ASU also has several options in both Master of Arts and Master of Education programs as well as several areas of specialization within these programs. Most of the graduate programs are divided between classroom and internships. Almost a dozen master degree education programs are offered at GCU, allowing students to choose from several areas of specialization.

UA-Phoenix has master degrees in elementary, secondary and special education as well as two master programs in administration and curriculum for advanced teachers. NAU offers master degree programs in early childhood education, elementary education and secondary education.

Certifications & Specializations at AZ Schools

ASU has an Alternative Pathways to Teacher Certification program for students that are teacher interns. It offers certification in elementary (1-8), secondary (6-12) or special education (k-12). ASU’s Education College also offers several undergraduate and graduate certificates. Grand Canyon University offers continuing education classes for teachers interested in re-certification or obtaining additional endorsements to their teaching license as well as individual education classes.

In addition to the bachelor and master degree programs at the University of Phoenix, students can also earn an AA degree with an emphasis on education or one of several doctoral degree programs.The undergraduate certificate in early childhood education at NAU is aimed at teachers who want to work with children birth through kindergarten.