Teaching Education Degrees in Michigan

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School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

University of West Florida

Online Master of Education Programs
CAEP Accredited. Programs in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education. Gives classroom teachers a specialized education for their student age group and career goals.

Campbellsville University

Online Associates, Bachelor's, Master's Programs
Multiple (20+) online Associate, Bachelor, and Master of Education programs in Elementary and Early Childhood Education.

American University

Online Master of Education in Education Policy and Leadership
CAEP Accredited. Learn how to evaluate, create, and implement effective policy that facilitates exceptional learning experiences for all students.

University of West Alabama

Online Bachelor's, Masters, Doctorate, Education Specialist and Alternative Class A Programs
Choose from more than 40 certification and non-certification education programs that can enhance your career as an educator inside or outside the classroom.
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Michigan requires teachers have at least a bachelor's degree in an educational field or a non-teaching bachelor degree and complete an accredited teacher preparation certification program. Michigan offers a 6-year provisional education certificate and a 5-year professional education certificate.

Teachers must complete 18 credit hours of coursework to advance from the provisional to the professional certificate. Beginning teachers must be in a mentorship program for their first three years of teaching. Below is a list of some teaching programs offered at some of the top colleges and universities in Michigan.

  • 81 teaching programs in Michigan accredited by CAEP
  • 45 CAEP-accredited Bachelor's degrees
  • 25 CAEP-accredited Master's degrees in Michigan

The state of Michigan has a number of teacher certification degree programs, including alternative secondary certification programs with the integrated science emphasis or the social studies emphasis. These two programs are for students that already hold bachelor degrees.

Additionally, there are teacher certification programs at universities at both the elementary and secondary education levels with a many minors offered such as German, French, English, chemistry and mathematics to name a few. Minors in middle level education and reading in the elementary grades are also offered as additional endorsements at some universities. There are also a number of graduate certificates in superintendent of schools and supervisor of instruction.

School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

University of West Florida

Online Master of Education Programs
CAEP Accredited. Programs in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education. Gives classroom teachers a specialized education for their student age group and career goals.

American University

Online Master of Education in Education Policy and Leadership
CAEP Accredited. Learn how to evaluate, create, and implement effective policy that facilitates exceptional learning experiences for all students.

University of West Alabama

Online Bachelor's, Masters, Doctorate, Education Specialist and Alternative Class A Programs
Choose from more than 40 certification and non-certification education programs that can enhance your career as an educator inside or outside the classroom.

Maryville University

Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership
Earn your Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education Leadership online from Maryville University in as few as 32 months. Prepare to impact higher education on a sweeping scale.

The University of Texas Permian Basin

MA in Special Education
CAEP-accredited, Complete in as little as 12 months, six start dates a year, cost-effective tuition.

Purdue University

Online MS in Education
Specialized degrees in Special Education, Curriculum Instruction, Learning Design and Technology.
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Requirements to Teach in Michigan

Candidates for Michigan certification must complete a teacher preparation program approved by the state and have a Bachelor's degree in teachable subjects. They must meet coursework requirements within the teacher preparation program that include CPR, first aid, and three to six credit hours in reading courses.

Teachers who complete the requirements receive a Professional Certificate, valid for six years. After six years, continuing education is required to renew a Provisional Certificate. Certified Michigan teachers have passed the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification.

This assessment typically includes two different tests - one that assesses knowledge of mathematics, writing, and reading basic skills. Another evaluates the expertise in the content areas candidates seek certification. The Professional Readiness Examination must be taken and passed before completing the required student teaching for licensure.

It is typically part of the teacher preparation program. All Michigan teachers submit to federal and state background checks. In most cases, hosting school districts ask candidates to complete a LiveScan background check of fingerprints before the student teaching experience.

Scholarships NS Financial Aid Available

The Office of Postsecondary Financial Planning, part of the Michigan Department of Treasury, provides equality of information and student financial resources to students by encouraging them to pursue post-secondary education.

Through various programs for student financial assistance, they receive both guidance and funding needed to pursue educational goals. The Office strives to help students from newborns to college graduates and beyond. Student aid includes:

  • Financial assistance programs
  • Dual enrollment
  • Michigan Competitive Scholarships
  • Michigan Tuition Grants
  • Tuition Incentive Program

One of the programs is the Children of Veterans Tuition Grant. It provides tuition assistance to undergraduate students between the ages of 16 and 26 who are adopted or natural children of Michigan veterans. The veteran must have passed away or been permanently and disabled due to military service. Dual enrollment permits students to take free dual enrollment classes in the freshman through senior year. They can take as many as ten dual enrollment courses.

Requirements for In-State Tuition

Michigan has the distinction of being home to the university in America that has the biggest difference between out-of-state and in-state tuition. It is the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. The difference is over $29,000 annually.

The state's unfortunate fiscal situation may be partially to blame. People willing to pay that difference are also responsible. There are significant obstacles in demonstrating residence. Generally, undergrads are required to have a gap-year of supporting themselves and working full-time. The gap year saves as much as $120,000. Each university in the state has a policy of its own that can differ slightly or drastically from others.

Michigan is a Midwest Student Exchange Program member that has a limited regional agreement of reciprocity with the select Midwestern States. There are specific programs that must be taken to qualify for reduced tuition. Each participating university can rightfully establish particular requirements of their own.

School Program Admissions

Walden University

Online MS in Education (MSED)
14 different specializations available, finish in as few as 15 months with the accelerated program design. Elementary, Special Education, STEM, Science, Mathematics, Leadership, and more.

Arizona State University

Online Bachelor of Education Programs Website

Arizona State University

Online Master of Arts in Education
100% online, 9 focus areas of teaching education available. No GRE scores required for application.

University of West Florida

Online Master of Education Programs
CAEP Accredited. Programs in Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education. Gives classroom teachers a specialized education for their student age group and career goals.

American University

Online Master of Education in Education Policy and Leadership
CAEP Accredited. Learn how to evaluate, create, and implement effective policy that facilitates exceptional learning experiences for all students.

University of West Alabama

Online Bachelor's, Masters, Doctorate, Education Specialist and Alternative Class A Programs
Choose from more than 40 certification and non-certification education programs that can enhance your career as an educator inside or outside the classroom.

Maryville University

Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership
Earn your Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education Leadership online from Maryville University in as few as 32 months. Prepare to impact higher education on a sweeping scale.

The University of Texas Permian Basin

MA in Special Education
CAEP-accredited, Complete in as little as 12 months, six start dates a year, cost-effective tuition.

Purdue University

Online MS in Education
Specialized degrees in Special Education, Curriculum Instruction, Learning Design and Technology.
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CAEP Accredited Teaching Programs

List of the Best CAEP Accredited Teaching Degrees in Michigan

Andrews University
Berrien Springs
  • Bachelors in Biology Education NSTA
  • Bachelors in Chemistry Education NSTA
  • Bachelors in Integrated Science Education NSTA
  • Masters in K-12 Educational Administration (MA) ELCC
  • Bachelors in Mathematics Education NCTM
  • Bachelors in Physics Education NSTA
  • Specialist or C.A.S. in School Psychology NASP
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant
  • Specialist or C.A.S. in School Psychology NASP
Concordia University
Ann Arbor
  • Endorsement only in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Masters in Educational Leadership ELCC
  • Bachelors in English NCTE
  • Post Masters in School Administrator Certificate program ELCC
  • Bachelors in Social Studies NCSS
  • Bachelors in Social Studies NCSS
Eastern Michigan University
  • Bachelors in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Masters in Educational Leadership Masters ELCC
  • Specialist or C.A.S. in Educational Leadership Specialist ELCC
  • Endorsement only in English as a Second Language TESOL
  • Bachelors in English Language Literature & Writing NCTE
  • Masters in Learning Disabilities CEC
  • Bachelors in Mathematics – Secondary Education NCTM
  • Bachelors in Physical and Other Health Impairments CEC
  • Bachelors in Science – Secondary Education (Integrated Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics) NSTA
  • Bachelors in Special Education - Cognitive Impairments CEC
  • Bachelors in Special Education - Emotional Impairments CEC
  • Bachelors in World Languages (French, German, Japanese, Spanish) ACTFL
Grand Valley State University
Grand Rapids
  • Bachelors in Biology NSTA
  • Bachelors in Chemistry NSTA
  • Masters in Cognitive Impairments CEC
  • Masters in Early Childhood Ed NAEYC
  • Bachelors in Earth/Space Science NSTA
  • Specialist or C.A.S. in Education Specialist ELCC
  • Masters in Educational Leadership ELCC
  • Masters in Educational Technology ISTE
  • Bachelors in Elementary Education ACEI
  • Masters in Emotional Impairment CEC
  • Bachelors in English NCTE
  • Bachelors in French ACTFL
  • Bachelors in German ACTFL
  • Bachelors in Health Education AAHE
  • Bachelors in Integrated Science Elementary NSTA
  • Bachelors in Integrated Science Secondary NSTA
  • Masters in Learning Disabilities CEC
  • Bachelors in Math Middle School NCTM
  • Bachelors in Math Secondary NCTM
  • Bachelors in Physical Education NASPE
  • Bachelors in Physics NSTA
  • Masters in Reading Specialist ILA
  • Specialist or C.A.S. in School Psychologist NASP
  • Bachelors in Spanish ACTFL
  • Masters in Special Education Administration CEC
Madonna University
  • Masters in TESOL TESOL
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center
  • Bachelors in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Masters in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Bachelors in Elementary Education ACEI
  • Masters in Instructional Technology & E-Learning ISTE
  • Masters in Reading Specialist K-12 ILA
  • Endorsement only in Special Education - Autism Spectrum Disorder CEC
  • Endorsement only in Special Education - Learning Disabilities (LD) CEC
The University of Michigan-Flint
  • Masters in Master of Arts in Education with Literacy K-12 concentration (M.A.) ILA
  • Masters in Master of Arts in Education with Special Education concentration – Cognitive Impairment (M.A.) CEC
  • Masters in Master of Arts in Education with Special Education concentration – Learning Disabilities (M.A.) CEC
  • Masters in Master of Public Administration with Educational Administration concentration (M.P.A.) ELCC
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - Mathematics (B.A. or B.S.) NCTM
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education - Spanish (B.A.) ACTFL
  • Bachelors in Secondary Education – French (B.A.) ACTFL
Western Michigan University
  • Bachelors in Biology NSTA
  • Bachelors in Chemistry NSTA
  • Bachelors in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Masters in Early Childhood Education NAEYC
  • Bachelors in Earth Science NSTA
  • Masters in Educational Leadership-Building Level ELCC
  • Doctorate in Educational Leadership-District ELCC
  • Masters in Emotional Impairments Graduate CEC
  • Bachelors in Emotional Impairments Undergraduate CEC
  • Bachelors in English Education NCTE
  • Masters in Learning Disabilities Graduate CEC
  • Bachelors in Learning Disabilities Undergraduate CEC
  • Bachelors in Mathematics NCTM
  • Bachelors in Physics NSTA
  • Masters in Reading Specialist ILA

Online Teaching Degrees in Michigan

Andrews University offers online master degrees in curriculum and instruction; educational leadership; higher education administration; and leadership, job embedded design. Various individual courses are also offered online through Andrews. Central Michigan University offers online master degrees in education, educational leadership, educational technology, and reading and literacy.

Online teacher programs in educational psychology; educational media and technology; educational leadership K-12 administration; and educational assessment are offered at Eastern Michigan University. Various online teaching programs can also be found at Michigan State University.

School Spotlight on Michigan Teaching Degrees

Andrews University’s education department offers bachelor degree programs in both elementary and secondary education bachelor degree programs. A typical elementary education program would consist of general education courses, professional education courses, and a planned program minor, which is a group of courses required by the state of Michigan. These 4-year programs prepare students to teach either elementary students 1-6 or secondary students 7-12. Students can also take minors in certain subject areas.

The College of Education & Human Services at Central Michigan University offers bachelor degree programs in both elementary and secondary education. Eastern Michigan University has both Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts programs in elementary education with choices of minors in integrated science, early childhood education, reading and social studies.

BA programs generally have more liberal arts courses, don’t offer as many specializations and have fewer technical courses than BS programs. Students pursuing initial certification as early childhood, secondary or elementary education teachers can find what at Lake Superior State University, which offers bachelor degree programs in both fields as well as certification programs in specific subject areas.

Andrews University also offers Master of Arts in Teaching with specializations in elementary education or secondary education. Students can also choose a different secondary area such as English, biology, English as a Second Language or history. Central Michigan University offers master degree programs in school principalship; teacher leadership; counseling; educational technology, reading; literacy and education with emphasis in five different areas.

Master degree programs generally require a thesis, senior project and clinical education along with the graduate courses. Various master degree programs can be found at Eastern Michigan University, including both Master of Teaching and Master of Arts with concentrations in curriculum and instruction; educational leadership; educational psychology; and urban/diversity education. The M.A.T. programs allow students to focus on specific subjects like chemistry, biology, mathematics or physics.